Read as Mark Hamilton explains the Ten-Second Miracles uses numbers.

13 Responses

  1. Thank you Mark Hamilton for bringing up 10-second Miracles & numbers; 10-second Miracles are, in a sense, ah-ha (lightbulb) moments that we get whenever an idea comes up, but in a different way than most. We all use numbers & should learn how to put them into our lives everyday, including our businesses

  2. Last few months I’ve had these Deep Driven Motivation to come up with ideas
    on how to give back to Mr. Mark Hamilton for my new life. I ‘ve received so
    much from Neothink it’s time to give back. I came up with the idea to set up a
    table at the summit for any Spanish speaking member that needs help with
    translation or anything concerning Neothink. I live 24/7 with numbers in my
    daily life. It sure makes my day go easier as numbers give me DTC.
    Thank You Mark Hamilton Frank R. Wallace and Family.

  3. Marketable pressures let you use the numbers to exhilarate the ten second miracle to move beyond your present state of business. Marketable pressures via the numbers move supperachievers to be succesful and wealthy by using the ten second miracle.

  4. Showing people that they are not slaves and dead at 21 and baried at 65, with a Neo-Think business mind people will be set free to live again.

  5. While ones FNE brings Motivation and TSM’s brings Creative Values and Motivation by Neo-Thinking, if you work with both,you get a Synergistic explosion of Creating Values and Products. Neo-Think.

  6. Numbers do tell you their secrets…The secrets of what is deeply affecting your business, and how it is going at the moment. Studying the numbers can reveal where you may need to do some creative thrust in sealing a leak in funds, redirecting some aspect that impacts forward movement, and a number of other possible actions you might be inspired to perform=ALL revealed by the numbers concerned!

    Love, Lila

  7. you can use the Ten-Second miracle in your own business (value creator) or your job (value producer) by studing the numbers in all areas of life they tell a story of where you are at that moment in time and what need to be done to get you to where you want to go in life. studing the numbers help develope a plan for forward essence movement of any project that you are working on. you learn from the numbers of what need to be done.

    1. I agree. Watching the numbers is what keeps our awareness on the nitty gritty. If you want a successful business you must know the numbers.


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